Oct 3, 2011


Too many times I have to stop myself while reading other blogs because too many times I will compare my life to the lives of those that are blogging.  Whether it be a desire to have such a clean, organized, lovely decorated, beautiful home or a desire for the lovely family that they have complete with handsome, supportive husband and well behaved, smart children.  Truth is we will never know the true stories of what happens behind the blogs.  There's nothing wrong with that.  It's a very difficult thing to share truth such as our hardships with people that we don't even know. 

Aaron Sleeping Soundly

I don't know if many of you noticed the change in my profile because I've been so absent from my blog for the majority of this year, and I haven't necessarily posted about the details of why I was absent.  But I'll take you back to March 1st.  Well, 12 days after that post I learned of something that lead me to make the decision to end my marriage.  Truth is, this is by far the hardest decision I have made in my entire life.  Truth is, I was scared to talk about it here because I didn't want to be tempted to complain about my marriage and I was also scared of being judged.  Truth is, I have found the most inspiration from bloggers that were open (but positive) about whatever hardships they were going through.  

Aaron w/ his red hat

I have been having a hard time deciding to come back here to blog because the fear of rejection and judgement was keeping me away.  So, I made the decision that I want to write about what I'm going through while still posting all of my creations.  Truth is, my crafting has brought me so much comfort in all of these changes I've been facing.

I made this decision after stumbling across The Wiegand's: no more apologies.  I haven't read much of her blog yet, but I do plan to read her story. 

I <3 THIS:
"Use your voice. No apologies. 
We are all different and have been through different things, believe different things.... but whoever you are there is SOMEONE you can touch with your story.
Don't hold onto it." - CaseyWiegan
Truth is, be expecting more truths about my life and what I'm dealing with.

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