Nov 7, 2011

Monday Randomness

Happy Monday to all of you.

I had a pretty good weekend.  Not too much creativity.  I did try to paint my nails like this...
But it was an epic fail!  I even tried to take a picture of the bad job but my it made my camera phone throw up and come up with this...
haha, see... it just wasn't working out for me.

So I removed the bad nail job and painted them pink.  Still.. not picture because my phone just wasn't cooperating.

I'm in no way rushing Christmas here, but I really can't wait until December so I can do this...

Now, my next paper crafting attempt will look something like this but with a Thanksgiving theme.

So, forgive the randomness on this wonderful Monday morning.  I'm a bit scatter brained with lots of ideas but nothing really of my own to share with you.  All of the above pictures (except my cell phone fail) and ideas I found on Pinterest.

1 comment:

Angie said...

Oh I love doing different designs on my nails for Christmas! I've done little snowflakes, candy canes, drew a little snowman,'s so much fun!


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