Aug 1, 2010

Love the weekends!

This weekend was very productive and FUN.  The more time I get to spend with Aaron on the weekends and see how fast he's growing and learning the more I wish I could stay at home with him.  I know that right now, that is not an option.  Our family could not survive on one income at this point in our lives.  But I know that if I'm patient and responsible with our money this goal is definitely attainable.

Right now, I'm happy to say I have a wonderful friend that is baby sitting him during the week.  She's a stay at home mom of a little boy and little girl.  Her family has been such a blessing to us and from what she says Aaron has been a blessing to them.  Oh, did I mention she's got another one on the way?  Hoping it's a girl!  Anyway, she keeps Aaron on a tighter schedule than I ever could've imagined putting him on and it's wonderful.  He's just ALL in ALL A HAPPY BOY!  There's no other way to explain him.

One of his new things is pointing at objects.  Thursday night he stayed at my friends house and David and I had a much needed date night.  We went to Atlanta to see Inception on IMAX.  Great movie by the way.  I totally recommend it if you haven't already seen it!  Had dinner and shopped around the mall for a while.  When we got home I was very tired but couldn't sleep so I took the time to get some pictures taken of all the things I want to list on Craigslist and rearranged his room.  I removed the rocking chair since he's grown out of being rocked to sleep.  Oh, how I miss those good nights.  Anyway, his room is much more spacious now and all of his toys are in there until I transform my dining room to the play room.  I hung up some paper lanterns over his crib for something too look at.  Friday night when I was putting him to bed he saw them and immediately started pointing and "ooo"-ing.  It was GREAT!

His other new thing is squealing.  He squeals, I'll squeal back, then he'll mimick me and it'll go on and on until something else catches his attention.  He makes some pretty funny faces with those squeals also.

And finally this weekend, he took his first steps!  BUT, I didn't get to see him.  :o(  I was sad and happy at the same time, but I know I'll get to see him walk soon and then I won't know what to do.  It's so hard to believe in 3 months he's going to be a year old.  Every day he amazes me more and more.  I never imagined I could love someone so much.


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